Firearms Businesses & Organizations Joining Together to Keep Our FREEDOMS & Right to Bear Arms
NM Potential Members
Legislative Bills being lobbied in 2023
Anti-Gun Bills defeated in 2023
NMFIA Mission.
To all Gun Store Owners and FFL Dealers ~
To PROTECT, PRESERVE and PROMOTE the firearms industry in New Mexico.
By Tom Kaye
During the 2023 New Mexico legislative session, the firearms industry came perilously close to losing our right to sell firearms, accessories, and ammunition along with our constitutional rights protected by the Second Amendment.
A small group of firearms retailers, concerned citizens, the NM Shooting Sports Association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), and the American Suppressor Association, coordinated by the NRA state director, lobbied legislators and testified at committee meetings during the 2023 legislative session. We quickly discovered that most legislators did not understand what effect proposed bills would have, how bills would affect the firearms industry, what function the items being restricted serve, what regulations were already in place, or any unintended consequences of bills. From the receptions we received it quickly became apparent that there is a very large need to inform and educate legislators about the firearms industry and current laws. Many legislators didn’t care about Second Amendment rights, often referring to restrictions and bans “for the greater good”. Additionally, we discovered that a large portion of everyday New Mexicans had no idea that this was occurring.
After seeing how the 2023 state legislature wanted to destroy the firearms industry and personal firearm ownership in NM, the New Mexico Firearms Industry Association (NMFIA) was formed in March 2023. The NMFIA’s goals are to protect, preserve and promote the firearms industry in NM. We are non-partisan and aligned with the principles of the NSSF, which is the national trade association for the firearms industry. The NSSF leads the way in advocating for the industry, jobs, and keeping guns out of the wrong hands while encouraging the enjoyment of recreational shooting and hunting. They help people better understand the industry’s lawful products. We intend to exemplify the same values and principles for the state of NM.
We are separate from the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, as they focus on individuals and Shooting Organizations, we are focused on the Fire Arms industry. Our efforts will parallel the NMSSA in many areas, and we look forward to working with them.
The bills that were introduced but failed to pass would eliminate sales or transfer of all NFA items, almost all semi-automatic rifles, attachments for so-called assault weapons, hollow point ammunition, and magazines holding more than ten rounds; raise the age to purchase a long gun to 21, implement a 14 day waiting period when purchasing a firearm and prohibit firearms within 100 feet of a polling place when voting is occurring. Additionally, assault weapons, attachments, and magazines holding more than ten rounds would have to be registered with the state. Violations of most of these bills would be a 4th-degree felony.
Another failed bill, SB 428, would subject the firearms industry to a penalty of $250,000 for an unfair trade practice, while any other industry (except the marijuana industry, they were exempted) would be subject to a penalty of only $10,000. Currently, that penalty is $300 for all industries. The definition of an unfair trade practice is very vague in the bill. The firearms industry is the only industry that a person could sue by simply knowing an alleged violation, even though that person wasn’t harmed. If a suit is brought against a firearms business and the plaintiff wins, the defendant will have to pay the plaintiff’s legal fees. If the defendant wins, the plaintiff is not liable for the defendant’s legal fees. This bill came very close to passing. It passed the full Senate and was on the House floor waiting for a vote when the session expired. The same legislator that sponsored the medical malpractice bill, which is chasing physicians out of NM, sponsored this bill. This would only be good for trial attorneys and bad for all NM businesses, except those in the marijuana industry.
On April 5, 2023, the governor announced she intends to pass an assault weapons ban in the 2024 legislative session. Most recently, she has also called to raise the age to purchase a long gun to 21 and mandate a 14-day waiting period when purchasing a firearm.
While we are still in our infancy, we need to quickly grow and prepare for the 2024 legislative session. We have elected officers, filed a charter with the NM secretary of state, and filed a 501(c) (6) non-profit application with the IRS. A website (newmexicofia.org) is being built that will have public and members-only sections and allow for paying dues online. Annual minimum dues have been set at $1000 for businesses with over $1,000,000 in annual revenue, $500 for companies with less than $1,000,000 annual sales, and $100 for a non-voting associate member. A business can join at a membership level above the minimum.
This will be a fierce battle but we strongly believe that the values of the firearms industry and New Mexicans are not currently represented in our legislature. If the industry is to survive in NM, we must be well organized and have coordinated representation in Santa Fe. We need members from the entire state to take an active role in lobbying their legislators, and educating their customer base so they can take action and be prepared to commit time and resources at legislative sessions. We do have the support of several legislators, but we still need more.
By joining the NMFIA your business will be part of the effort to keep the industry alive in NM, protect thousands of jobs, educate customers and policymakers about the industry and existing laws, encourage growth in the industry, promote safe and responsible use of firearms and allow NM citizens to exercise their second amendment right
Advocate for the firearms industry, its business and jobs.
Educate the public and lawmakers about initiatives regarding the firearms industry.
Provide updates to members concerning ongoing legislation.
Encourage members to keep their customer base informed regarding issues related to the firearms industry.
Share best practices to ensure the industry remains compliant with all laws and to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
Encourage enjoyment of recreational shooting and hunting; help people better understand the industry’s lawful products.
Partner with other firearms groups (NRA, NSSF, ASA, NMSSA, etc) to ensure a robust and safe firearms industry in NM.
Board of Directors:
Erik Rasmussen President
Jake Melidones Vice President
Dennis Burt Treasurer
Tom Kaye Secretary
Jim Gifford Director
Walter Bracken Director
Vacant Director
Retail Members:
Erik Rasmussen-Right to Bear Arms
Dennis Burt- Calibers
Jacob Melidones-Omni Arms
Walter Bracken-BMC Tactical
Rick Kennedy-SW Gunsmith Technologies
Dianne Johnson-Ron Peterson Firearms, LLC
Shawn Blas -Integrity Firearms
Arnie Gallegos-ABQ Guns
Bill Keeler-Richardson’s Trading Post
Anthony Segura-NM Shooting Sports Association
In Remembrance of David Loeffler-Loeffler’s Guns
Members at Large:
Victor Wuamett
Gregory Cook
Dale Osmun
Jon Word
Christopher Frost
Hal Barnett
James Washburn
Tom Crow
Dale Josephson
Welcome to 2025
Legislation Letter
16 FEB 2024


Read the NRA-ILA report CLICK HERE
The New Mexico Legislature concluded its 30-day session on Thursday at noon. Gun control dominated the discussion during what was supposed to be a "budget session". NRA-ILA was at the Roundhouse every single day, fighting extremist gun control measures along with a coalition of pro-Second Amendment Republican and rural Democrat lawmakers, local and regional members of the firearms industry, grassroots activists and our state affiliate, the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association. Thank you to those who participated in committee hearings in-person or remotely to testify against these radical measures (we could use MORE of you!) and to everyone who contacted their state lawmakers in opposition to these proposals. Your actions make a huge difference!
Progressive lawmakers worked to chip away at your Second Amendment rights this session, passing a 7-day waiting period on gun purchases and legislation prohibiting open carry near polling locations. We must remain organized, engaged, and vigilant heading into an important election cycle. The future of your ability to purchase and own firearms in the Land of Enchantment literally hangs in the balance!
Below is a final status report on the gun control bills this session:
House Bill 27 by Rep. Joy Garratt (D-ABQ)
Expands State Red Flag Law
Allowed law enforcement officers and licensed health care professionals to be "reporting parties" to petitioners for extreme risk protective orders and requires immediate surrender of firearms upon service of temporary or regular extreme risk protective orders (ERPOs). This law should be repealed, not expanded. Status: Left pending on House Calendar
House Bill 114 by Rep. Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos)
Lawsuits Against the Firearms Industry
Allowed the attorney general or district attorney to bring nuisance actions against anyone in the firearms industry for failure to establish “reasonable controls and procedures” (a term left to the courts to interpret) when conducting lawful sales of legal products. This would vastly increase their liability exposure and make it nearly impossible to obtain insurance. Private causes of action are also created without award limits. Status: Left pending on House Calendar
House Bill 127 by Rep. Reena Szczepanski (D-Santa Fe)
Raise the Age
Banned anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing or possessing any semi-automatic firearm, or any standard capacity magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, with limited exceptions. Also criminalized the sale or transfer of ownership of these firearms or magazines to anyone under 21. Status: Left pending on House Calendar
House Bill 129 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe)
7-Day Waiting Period
Mandates a 7-day waiting period for all gun buyers who pass an FBI background check, excluding concealed handgun licensees. This unnecessary restriction will have no impact on crime or prevent self-harm. The original bill called for a 14-day waiting period and had no exemption for licensees. Status: Passed House 37-33; Passed Senate 23-18; Sent to governor
House Bill 137 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe)
Gun & Magazine Ban
Outlawed the manufacture, sale, transfer and possession of gas-operated semiautomatic rifles, as well as many handguns, that law-abiding citizens commonly own and use for self-defense, competition, and recreation. Current owners would have been forced to register them with DPS by January 1, 2025, to maintain possession. Banned standard capacity magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Also attempted to supersede federal law by restricting certain NFA items. Status: Left pending on House Calendar
Senate Bill 5 by Sen. Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe)
Gun-Free Zones: Polling Places
Creates 100ft “gun-free zones” around polling locations and ballot dropboxes during early voting and on election day, a proposal that criminals will ignore and will only serve to disarm law-abiding citizens. The House narrowly adopted an amendment to exclude voters who are concealed handgun licensees on a 35-34 vote. The Senate author agreed to accept that amendment and also addressed concerns brought forth by Second Amendment advocates about firearms in private vehicles and persons possessing firearms for non-election-related business in venues open to the public that also house a polling place. Status: Passed Senate 26-16; Passed House 35-34; Sent to governor
Senate Bill 69 by Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Las Cruces)
14-Day Waiting Period
Imposed a 14-day waiting period for all gun buyers except concealed handgun licensees, which would have made for the longest firearm purchase delay in the country. Status: Left pending on Senate Calendar
Senate Bill 90 by Sen. Linda Lopez (D-ABQ)
Sportsmen's Tax
Proposed a California-style 11% excise tax on firearms, firearm precursor parts, suppressors, and ammunition, to be collected from New Mexico firearms retailers and sporting goods outlets. This would have made it more expensive for law-abiding citizens to exercise a constitutional right and to practice or train with firearms to become safer and more proficient when using them recreationally, or for hunting, competition, or self-defense. Status: Left pending in Senate committee
Senate Bill 204 by Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-ABQ)
Gun-Free Zones: Parks & Playgrounds
Prohibited the possession of firearms in city- or county-owned parks and playgrounds, enshrining the governor's Bernalillo County "public health emergency" gun ban in state statute. The administration's enthusiasm for the bill waned after a Democrat-controlled Senate committee amended the measure to exempt concealed handgun licensees from the restrictions. Status: Left pending in Senate committee
Senate Joint Resolution 12 by Sen. Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe)
Repeal Firearms Preemption
Gutted the firearms preemption clause in Article II, Section 6 (the Right to Keep and Bear Arms provision) of the New Mexico Constitution and would have sent it to voters for approval. Without preemption, cities like Santa Fe would be able to pass whatever firearms restrictions they want -- including gun bans, magazine limits, licensing and registration schemes and prohibitions on carrying firearms on your person or in your car. Status: Left pending in Senate committee
Representative Joanne J. Ferrary - (D)
505-986-4844 joanne.ferrary@nmlegis.gov
Representative Angelica Rubio - (D)
505-986-4210 angelica.rubio@nmlegis.gov
Representative Stefani Lord - (R)
505-986-4453 info@lord2020.com
Representative John Block - (R)
505-986-4453 John.Block@nmlegis.gov
Representative Andrea Romero - (D)
505-986-4243 andrea@andrearomero.com
Representative Elizabeth "Liz" Thomson - (D)
505-986-4425 liz.thomson@nmlegis.gov
If you are concerned about this anti-2nd Amendment laws that harm your rights as a citizen you may find numbers below that will help you get your voice heard!
Or click the button below:
400 Gold Avenue SW, Ste. 1080
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: (505) 346-6601
Fax: (505) 346-6780
Phone: (505) 988-6647
Fax: (505) 992-8435
7450 East Main Street, Ste. A
Farmington, NM 87402
Phone: (505) 325-5030
Fax: (505) 325-6035
201 North Church St., Ste. 305
Las Cruces, NM, 88001
Phone: (575) 523-6561
Fax: (575) 523-6584
200 East 4th Street, Ste. 300
Roswell, NM 88201
Phone: (575) 622-7113
Fax: (575) 622-3538
709 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5521
Fax: (202) 228-2841
While many New Mexicans prepare to spend the holiday season with their loved ones, and many gather to watch "The Grinch That Stole Christmas", Governor Lujan Grisham and other anti-gun lawmakers are writing their own story, "The Government that Stole Your Guns".
Last week, Governor Lujan Grisham announced her support to pass a state-version of U.S. Senator Heinrich's unconstitutional GOSAFE gun and magazine ban during the upcoming 30-day legislative session. Adding to the anti-gun push, the joint interim Courts, Corrections & Justice Committee endorsed a 14-day waiting period on all firearm purchases and a ban on carrying firearms within 100 feet of any polling place or ballot drop box. These endorsements give momentum to unconstitutional anti-gun proposals, however clicking below to contact your lawmakers will make clear that we will not stand for such infringements of our Second Amendment Rights!
Rather than addressing the serious surge of violent crime across New Mexico, which is a direct consequence of Governor Lujan Grisham's soft on crime policies, they want to create spectacle of your constitutionally given rights. However, your NRA-ILA New Mexico team continues to be hard at work preparing the upcoming 30-day legislative session and will be on the ground at the Roundhouse. Prefiling for the session begins on January 2nd and the Legislature will convene on January 16.
However, your grassroots engagement and willingness to join in the fight, will be crucial as we all continue to Defend the Second Amendment in New Mexico. So here is what YOU can do:
1. Register for our New Mexico Statewide Webinar on January 15 at 7:00 p.m. MST HERE!
Join your NRA-ILA New Mexico Team to discuss the 30-day legislative session and what anti-gun legislation we expect to fight in the Roundhouse. Also, learn how you can join our Frontlines and participate in various programs such as becoming a Frontlines Activist Leader.
2. Forward this alert to FIVE people!
Our biggest resource as pro-Second Amendment citizens is the diverse and passionate community that we call our own. Pass this message on to your friends, family and coworkers, encouraging them to join our Frontlines and stay engaged!
With any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out by emailing me at clay@nrailafrontlines.com or call (703) 943-6566. We must continue to fight on the Frontlines leading up to 2024, and we hope you can join us on our NRA-ILA New Mexico Webinar on January 15 for a very important virtual meeting!